Monday, April 29, 2013

"If music be the food of love..."

...I'm probably in way over my head.

And don't start with me. I got busy (REALLY busy, that's not a fake busy excuse) & any extra time I had was given to maintaining my sanity.
Good to see the dramatization of my life hasn't changed while I've been away.
I realized that I actually missed my corner of the blog-o-sphere. Can you miss something you don't do consistently enough? Oh well, there was a tiny void in my heart nonetheless.
But now I'm back. And it feels good. School's about to end, a REAL summer vacation with begin (cue the hallelujah chorus!!!!!!!!!), and I plan on spending a lot more time around here. Remember when I said I didn't want to be a blogger? I'm not saying that I've changed my mind, but I'm not saying I haven't thought about it.
I'm rambling.
No surprise there!

If I'm not listening or humming or singing something, I'm asleep. You think it's funny (so do I), but it's actually true. You can't stop the beat! (If you caught that reference...bless you.)

I'm really into covers--something about "Anything you can do, I can do better...." gets me. What does that say about my life? Don't answer that.

I present to you the tunes of the month!

Kiarah & Denise from PS 22, Set Fire to the Rain
Actually, any song PS 22 sings makes me weep. Seriously. What is it about children's choirs?
Did you know I used to want to be an elementary school music teacher? Part of me still does. 
How crazy is that? 
Don't answer that either.

Adele, (You Make Me Feel) Like A Natural Woman
(Top 10 Favorite Songs of All Time. Didn't think it could get better than Aretha Franklin, Carole King, Celine Dion, or Mary J. Blige but why underestimate Adele? Sheesh.)

Chet Faker, No Diggity
(It's like really good elevator music. Forgive me for the weird bluegrass/homeless vibe they give off in a few shots of this vid. Couldn't cover that.)

(Obsessed. I may prefer this cover over Frank & Nancy's original! But maybe not.)

Like I said...I'm back! And we've got 3 months worth of catching up to do. Stay tuned! (See what I did there? With the musical pun? Nevermind.)

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