Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Les Mis...And All That That Implies

If you haven't been living for counting down the days, nay...SECONDS, until the Christmas Day cinematic premiere of one of Broadway's most beloved shows, you haven't been living. I understand what living sorely for a MOVIE PREMIERE might imply, have come to terms with it, and have no qualms about it whatsoever.

I don't believe in magic, but for the sake of this post...

This, my friends, is MAGIC.

Annie Leibovitz's stunning, incomparable, mind-blowing, "catch-me-cause-I'm-falling" images of the cast of Les Miserables for Vogue are enough to have to me gasping out loud, even as I look at them for the 9th time this morning.

"Amanda Seyfried and Eddie Redmayne as the young lovers Cosette and Marius, photographed on set at Pinewood Studios, London."

“The whole thing is really one big love story,” says Seyfried. “There’s something about Les Mis that makes everyone see the world differently." 

”He’s one of the great literary characters of all time,” says Hugh Jackman of Jean Valjean, “a real study of the human spirit under the worst adversity possible.”

"Helena Bonham Carter and Sacha Baron Cohen star as the wicked Madame and Monsieur Thénardier, who enslave Cosette after the death of her mother, Fantine, and exploit others at every opportunity."

"Anne Hathaway cut off her hair and lost 25 pounds to play Hugo’s ill-fated heroine. “Fantine is a warrior for love,” says the actress. “She’s willing to sacrifice everything—her sense of right and wrong, her looks, her very life—for her child.""

“Marius was a romantic stereotype,” says Redmayne, whose character must balance love with revolutionary fervor. “So we went back to the book and found all these moments that showed he was more than just a guy running down the street singing about his love.”

“For the story to have any drama, you need to cast a guy who you genuinely feel could go toe to toe with Hugh Jackman and get the better of him,” says director Tom Hooper of casting Russell Crowe as Valjean’s relentless pursuer, Javert. “And how lucky am I that he actually had a background in musical theater?”

"Valjean rescues the young Cosette (Isabelle Allen) from a life of servitude. “The stakes were as high as they could possibly be every day,” says Jackman. “And that sort of cauldron of expectation and pressure and excitement was exhilarating.”

You need to watch this: (in case you haven't already, and for that, I'm de-friending you.)

International Trailer:

And this! This is it! I cry every single time. I'm not kidding. Anne Hathaway's rendition of "I Dreamed a Dream" is haunting. Magic, I tell you. Magic!

I'm ready for the Golden Globes, I'm ready for the Academy Awards--bring on the Lifetime Achievement Awards--because my good sense tells me Les Mis might be doing a little bit of sweeping this year. 

2012, I think we're going out with a bang.

Countdown: Less than one month. See you at the midnight premiere!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Move over, Holly Golightly...

It's my turn for breakfast & window shopping at the 5th Avenue flagship store to sneak a peak at this year's enchanting displays--miniature blue boxes & all!

And of course, the 2012 Holiday Campaign in all it's glory, featuring models Doutzen Kroes, Grace Gao and Karen Elson 

You didn't even know you cared until now, did you?

Bless you, Mr. Tiffany. And Happy New Year, too!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Strike Up the Band!

It's Music Monday! 

Okay, so it is Monday, but I don't have cute little weekly updates like that because that would imply that this blog is for the audience who reads it. 

Didn't I tell you?

This blog is about me, not my readers. I write about what I want, when I want, how I want, and with the content I want. Just an FYI in case you were considering submitting an idea for me to write about, before you were majorly disappointed. I jest, I jest! But, really, I'm so glad you're here!! Okay, off topic.

Listening to a few tunes today--here's some of my all-time favorite covers of some of my all time favorite songs. Alright, not entirely true (because who actually loves Billie Jean? Hellooooooooo.)

Someone Like You, Charlie Puth & Emily Luther
(Did you see them on Ellen?)

Billie Jean, The Civil Wars

I Wanna Dance With Somebody, Ben Rector

I've got lots more favs but these are the tunes of the month for me at the moment. Hope they get stuck in your head like they did in mine!

Monday, September 24, 2012

"She wore WHAT?!"

Or rather, who?

Because let's face it. The only thing all the big names care about is the name in the tiny little label tucked away in the fabric of that dashing excuse of a red carpet dress.

Call me a no-name or a commoner, but I'm more interested in the fact that saffron seems to be the color of choice this year rather than the fact that Lanvin, Christian Dior, and Angel Sanchez are the ones who shared the color scheme with each other for the Big Day.

I absolutely adore awards shows. I took notes. Cue the applause! (Or laughter.) I spent most of the show racking my brain for ways to get there as someone's date.

I'll let you know when I have a plan.

Here are my fav looks from the night! I don't have least favs (I do, but I don't have time) because who wants to dwell on the negative. 

Julianne Moore in Christian Dior (#1 of my top 3 favs!)

Anna Gunn in Chopard

Christina Hendricks in Christian Siriano (I love everything she ever wears.)

Julianna Margulies in Giambattista Valli (top 3 fav! you know how I feel about prints.)

My girl Kerry Washington in Vivienne Westwood (Scandal starts this week! Eeep!)

I wore sequins once.

But enough about me.

Edie Falco in Stella McCartney (that belt really got me! And I don't care if the dress has been worn by Gwyneth, Kate, & Kate.)

Julia Louis-Dreyfus in Vera Wang (another top 3 fav!)

Does anyone know who Reid Scott is?

Just asking because he's my date to next year's awards.

And I think that wraps it up. It's safe to say jewel tones made a name for themselves this year. I'm not complaining!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Happy Birthday, CMD!

Our girl Cameron is turning 40 today! 
Yowza. She seems young to me. (But I guess 40 is the new 30?)

Alas, you can’t turn back the clock and the big 4-0 is calling her name.
She looks good for 40, no?

Okay, whatever.

I was reading up on her & I think we might be able to be friends. You know, if suddenly I become a celebrity or her Hollywood status is suddenly ripped from her arms. God forbid.

She’s a funny one, that girl.

“Growing up, I was the plain one. I had no style. I was the tough kid with the comb in the back pocket and the feathered hair.”
Feathered hair? Let’s come back to that later.

“You know what terrifies me? Trailers to horror movies! I kind of want to look, but I'm always afraid that I'm going to look too long and see the one image that I'm not going to be able to get out of my head for at least a week every night before I'm going to bed.”

If you know me, you know this is why I see a small shred of hope at the possibility of being friends! We don’t do horror films. 

“I didn't realize it (The Mask) was a fairly large film that I was a part of. Halfway through I was going, "Is there any place that my mom and dad can see this film?" and they're going, "Cameron, at the theaters". I had no idea. Durrrrrrr. I'm blonde. I'm allowed.”

But enough about her! 
Let’s talk about her. 

The real reason we’re here is to pay tribute to our girl’s best cinematic endeavors (is anyone else appreciating how I’m talking about her as if we go out and hang every Thursday night?).

Just as your fun fact of the day to meet your weekly quota, did you know she’s Cuban? I’m not exactly sure how I missed that.

Here’s to our favorite versions of herself!

 Kimberly Wallace, My Best Friend's Wedding

Couldn't find my beloved elevator scene ANYWHERE on the web...these three will have to suffice!

Amanda Woods, The Holiday

I don't even have anything to say about this film. And I don't have to because you're thinking the same thing.

Thought you might also be loving that little peak at Mr. Jude Law. 

(I KNOW THIS DOESN’T HAVE TO DO WITH CAMERON DIRECTLY BUT! Some things need to be shared. On an episode of The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, Dustin Hoffman said that his cameo in the film was not scripted and was, in fact, unplanned. He was driving by the Blockbuster shown in the film and saw all of the cameras and equipment so he decided to stop in and see what was happening. Because he knew director Nancy Meyers, they worked up a scene which ultimately made the final cut.

I mean, really. Okay, back on track!)

Tina Carlyle, The Mask

Can you talk about Cameron & not talk about The Mask? NO.

I don't know this film at all really, I've only seen it a couple of times, but you have to pay tribute to the box office hit that launched her career!

This girl:

        • Went to the same high school at the same times as Snoop Dogg. 

Oh, whoops! That’s not right!

I meant Snoop Lion.

One of my all-time favorite spreads in Vogue, June 2009.
  • Broke her nose in a surfing accident in Hawaii on her birthday nine years ago. Happy Anniversary!

  • Wanted to be a Marine Biologist or Zoologist when she was little. And still does!

I know a lot of people that don’t love her because she tends to only play one type of character (I beg to differ...have you SEEN My Sister's Keeper? We're not going there.)--and our relationship is far from cordial (WE DON’T KNOW EACH OTHER)--and I will say her best performance is hands down, My Best Friend’s Wedding, but I still watch most of her movies when they come on TV. So sue me.

"What we women need to do, instead of worrying about what we don't have, is just love what we do have." quoted Women's World (6-14-05)

Couldn’t have said it better myself. Happy Birthday, dear girl, from all of us out there
wishing we had your life, but loving what we do have just the same.

Friday, August 24, 2012

"The Shops are coming! The Shops are coming!"

Move over Paul Revere! There's something new to holler about.

If you're like me, you've already spent a little too much time rearranging your budget for September 2012 in order to make room in your pocketbook for the second round of The Shops at Target (I'm the only one? You dirty birds.). 

It debuts September 9th & if you miss it, you might die! 

Beg to differ? You don't stand a chance.

Here's what they have to offer:


How cute & fun are Sarah & Beth? Kirna Zabête already has me swooning.
The floral trench will be mine! Count on it!


Meet the dynamic duo behind the 'sophisticated-cool menswear shop'

Spending the next two weeks finding a boy to buy these threads for. Guess brother & dad will have to do!


I think this is my favoritest favorite store of all time. Okay, maybe just the name. But I'm a sucker for knickknacks & tchotchkes! 

Already called dibs on the US Cutting Board!

Last, but not least!


Ironically, they're not actually in NYC, but rather, Boston! Makes it that much better.

You're welcome for the heads up!